Treat Blog Post Writing like Your Turkey This Thanksgiving

 Treat Blog Post Writing like Your Turkey This Thanksgiving | Dallas SEO Company

What does your blog have in common with your Thanksgiving turkey? You might be surprised to learn that there’s a lot! Writing an SEO-friendly blog post is similar to cooking a turkey. Follow these tips from your Dallas SEO company, and you’ll have family and friends – and a whole lot more – merrily consuming your content.

1. Your turkey is your content. It is the “meat” of the matter. Keep it fresh! A turkey that is stale is like uninspired, out-of-date content. Remember, the search engines love fresh, engaging content. If your blog cannot deliver, then it is quite similar to serving old, dry leftovers, don’t you think? To stay on top of the search engines, and more importantly, to keep your visitors engaged, it is important to always provide new content.

2. Natural, organic, heritage, kosher, pre-brined… take your pick. Don’t know what to write about? Consider your target audience. What do they find interesting? Have you seen frequently asked questions from your audience that you can write helpful content on? Write tips and how-to’s. Interview a helpful authority in your field. Have you checked your competition? There are a lot of ideas out there!

3. Don’t forget your turkey thermometer. Are you consistently using Google Analytics on your blog? Are you effectively tracking your visitors?

4. How about turkey seasoning? Nobody will be interested in content that is served bland. Make sure that your turkey has the proper seasoning – sprinkle it with strategic keywords! Remember, keywords are key to the success of any SEO campaign.

5. Consider the turkey size. Of course, bigger is better, especially for us in Texas! You have to have enough of your main dish to go around. However, always keep in mind that quality trumps quantity anytime. Make sure that you offer a meaty piece that answers the readers’ questions. A minimum of 350 words is fine, but naturally, 500 is even better.

6. Preparation is key and should always be taken into account. From drying, rubbing with spices and butter, to the stuffing! When you are putting your blog post together, first, ask yourself: What is the purpose of my piece? What do I want to achieve by writing this post? Do your research and present it in a clean, concise manner. Make sure that your post has good flow and makes perfect sense.

7. Baste! All great things take time. Similarly, you just simply can’t rush a good blog post. You don’t just toss the turkey in the oven. Baste your information so you don’t offer burnt and dry information that no one is interested to consume. Read your blog post a couple of times, and you may find valuable things to add or areas that need editing which will make your post even better.

8. Presentation is important too. Garnish your post with a short video or an interesting image. Remember that people respond well to visual appeal! However, keep in mind that presentation is not just about aesthetics, you also have to put your best face forward. Let your voice shine! Your content is what got them to visit your page, however, your voice is what’s going to keep them there, and have them coming back for more.

9. Time to gobble up… ring the dinner bell! Don’t let your yummy content go to waste; make sure you keep everyone informed! Hop in to your social channels to make it easier for your audience to read your blog.

10. Did someone say turkey casserole? Don’t forget the leftovers! Repurpose snippets of your content. If no one shows up on your delicious feast, does it matter how yummy the turkey was? Posts that are visible will generate more buzz. Also, it will pay off if you revisit old but relevant content. You can even do a spin-off: use a similar topic, but with a different bend.

Happy Thanksgiving from D6 Interactive, your Dallas SEO company! We are SEO-grateful for our followers and clients – past, present, and future!