2021 SEO Tips

2021 SEO Tips | Dallas SEO Services Company

One of the most effective ways you can attract your target audience to your online platforms is through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), providing that you use it the right way. SEO is constantly changing, and for a lot of marketers, staying on top of the latest updates can be quite challenging. However, focusing on SEO will surely pay off in the long run. For instance, about 70 to 80 percent of users ignore paid listings and focus more on organic results. In addition, approximately 20 percent of those searches result in a purchase!

If you want to have an effective SEO strategy, you need to pay attention to various metrics, such as social shares, traffic, and backlinks, just to name a few.

Your Dallas SEO company would like to give you some insight on the 2021 SEO trends, with the hopes of helping you prepare for your strategy accordingly.

1. Voice search will play a much bigger role in search queries

Voice search has gone a long way, thanks to innovations like Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, and Google Assistant. With the advancements of technology, it is predicted that the possibility of homes owning a smart speaker come next year is about 55 percent.  

Choose your keywords carefully when you are optimizing for voice search. Think about phrases that people use in their daily conversation. For instance, a person might ask “What are the best SEO tips for 2021?” but type the words “2021 SEO tips.”

2. Think mobile-friendly

Google rolled out mobile-first indexing on 2019, and this means that the search engine considers the mobile version of a website as its primary version vs. the desktop. This is mainly because approximately 73 percent of users will do searches through their mobile devices by 2025.

You can do a quick check on the mobile-friendliness of your website through Google’s mobile-friendly test. Check too if you do not have a “disallow directive” in place. It would be also good to check if the meta robots tags on your desktop and mobile sites are similar.

3. Consider Google’s EAT principle

Time and again, Google has stressed the importance of quality content for ranking success. When it comes to quality content, consider the EAT principle: Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Link to reputable sites and back up claims with facts and statistics. Creating buyer personas will also help you understand what your target audience value most. Map out your consumer journey through search intent research. Lastly, make good use of your research by creating content that fits the format that your target audience prefers (i.e. video, text).

As you can see, search engine optimization is becoming more complex. With these 2021 SEO tips, you have to consider everything from video SEO to voice control. Armed with the right strategy and SEO tools, you will be well on your way to SEO success.