How to Make a Site Mobile Responsive

Your website is generating a decent amount of traffic and you managed to convert most of it into qualified leads. Now you may be asking yourself: why change something that seems to work just fine?

Well, here’s the thing: mobile is slowly taking over the desktop. According to Google, more than 55% of global traffic now comes from mobile devices as opposed to desktop websites, and the number is expected to grow in the following years. Reports also show that 62% of the companies with responsive websites get more sales than those that only have desktop sites. This shouldn’t come as a surprise: over 52% of users say that they will not spend too much time on a mobile site if it provides a lousy experience.

The numbers paint an accurate picture: it’s high time you make your site mobile-friendly. Here’s how to do it:

Don’t Build a Separate Mobile Site

Not only will you be working more with nothing to show for, but having a separate mobile-friendly site might hurt your SEO. This is because Google penalizes sites that use duplicate content, and having two sites - one for desktop and one for mobile - can affect your ranking.

Adapt Font and Button Size to the Mobile Experience

There’s nothing more annoying to users than trying to navigate your mobile site and accidentally clicking on the wrong button. That’s why you should ensure that the button size is at least 44px by 44px.

As far as font size goes, 14px should be more than enough to provide a flawless user experience. It may seem like much, but it’s the best way to ensure a proper reading experience.

Compress CSS, HTML, and Images

Mobile users are extremely impatient. 53% of users will abandon your mobile site if it takes more than three seconds to load. Compress your high-resolution images to ensure that your mobile content doesn’t consume too much data. It’s also best if you minify your HTML and CSS to increase your mobile site’s speed.

Creating a responsive website is no longer an option. It has become a necessity if you want to remain relevant in this mobile-first world. Test and experiment with different options until you find the perfect design for your mobile site. Or better yet, work with us at D6 Interactive, a professional Dallas web design company, to ensure that your website will not only look outstanding but perform flawlessly too.
