SEO Tips for 2019

2019 is fast approaching, and now is the best time to think about the SEO strategies that are heading into the new year.

Google’s algorithm is continuously evolving, and we have seen an onward march of personalization, mobile domination, and voice search in terms of changes, to name a few.

Can’t wait to see what will happen to SEO in 2019? Let us at D6 Interactive, your Dallas SEO experts, provide you with an overview of the SEO trends and best practices for 2019.

  1. Speed
    It’s an essential part of improving the user experience. We’ve all been there. You type a query in Google, then click on a search result thinking that you’ll find what you are looking for…. but it takes forever for the information to load. You exit the website, and definitely won’t be back. Google ranks faster loading sites higher. Sites have better conversion rates when it loads faster, and visitors stay longer.
  1. Mobile optimization
    More than 50 percent of all searches are now done in mobile. Your site has to be mobile-friendly to meet this user need. With the implementation of Google’s mobile first index, it is leaning towards showing the mobile-optimized version of a page. If you have not optimized your website for mobile, the time to act is now.
  1. Content STILL matters
    The content that you put out there will determine if your pages are relevant to a search query. People visit your site because they need information. Quality content will give them a reason to interact with your site longer, boosting your SEO performance in the process.
  1. Voice search
    More users are now taking advantage of voice search. Because of the increasing popularity of smart home devices and digital assistants, people will most likely take advantage of voice search in the coming year. It will be helpful if you think about the possible questions that your website content will answer. When optimizing content, consider using longtail keywords.
  1. Pay attention to image search
    Google has improved its image search. Today, users no longer have to leave Google to view images. This is a good time for you to optimize the images on your site. View your SEO efforts in a holistic manner. The content should harmoniously interact with each other – whether it be text, image or video.

This coming year, let’s keep in mind that we shouldn’t only optimize for the search engines, we should optimize for its users. Generally, your SEO strategies always have to be flexible, as some trends do come and go.

If you want to boost your SEO efforts this 2019, your best bet would be to work with experienced professionals that are well-established with SEO principles. D6 Interactive, your Dallas SEO experts, has seen a lot of trends, and we implement the best ones to increase our client’s website ranking and visibility. Contact us today.