How to Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

User experience is one of the most important factors in modern website design. Since late 2016, the number of web searches taking place on mobile devices reached its tipping point. Now, more than half of all search queries are happening on cell phones and tablets.

In response, Google is starting to rank sites based on how mobile-friendly they are. The knowledgeable SEO and web design professionals at D6 Interactive - a Dallas web design company,  know exactly how to make your site mobile-friendly.


  1. Images

Images are the icing on the web content cake. Appealing, relevant images will make your site memorable, and they will help brand your business. For mobile-friendly viewing, make sure that you feature high-resolution images.

The latest smartphones and tablets are designed with high-definition screens that require an image that is twice the resolution of a desktop. If the visuals on your website are not in high-resolution, they will look blurry and indiscernible on a mobile device or a tablet. This is highly unappealing from a user experience perspective.


  1. Choose a Responsive Design

A responsive website understands what screen size your visitor is viewing the site on. It can change the image sizes and adapt its layout according to their screen. Responsive designs also cut down on the time it takes a web developer to create a site since the responsive design will work for any viewing device.


  1. Include a ‘Go to Full Website’ Option

While it is paramount to get your site up-to-date with a mobile-friendly design, consumers still want options. Be sure to include on your site’s mobile-friendly front page a button or a link that will allow users to go to the full desktop version of your site.


  1. Be Careful with Button and Font sizes

Viewers on mobile devices require bigger font sizes. On a mobile, the font is smaller, so be sure to set your site’s font to at least 14px.

You don’t want your customers to miss a buying opportunity, do you? Make sure that the buttons on your site are big and obvious; 44px by 44px.

Only a year ago, creating a mobile-friendly site was an option. Now, it is a requirement for online business owners. With these tips and with the help of a reliable Dallas web design company, you can get your website quickly optimized for mobile friendliness.

