Leverage the Power of Storytelling to Enhance Your Website

Stories – they have the power to educate, entertain, teach, and engage. Technology is ever-evolving, but quality storytelling is here to stay. Stories have been passed on from one generation to the next, were duplicated and written down, so it will remain accessible to all.

In today’s day and age, it is no longer about how a medium will enable us to pass on our stories. It is about how the stories themselves can aid us in getting the most out of our medium. Look at the some of the best content available today – from content campaigns that rely heavily on its community for experiences to television adverts that run like a mini-series – the narrative gives a powerful emotional connection that appeals to the user and builds a lasting brand.

Ask any Fort Worth web design expert; websites can surely benefit from adding narrative and storytelling techniques at their heart. Building a narrative for your brand elevates your website, communicates your brand’s message, and makes people listen.

So how can you incorporate storytelling in your web design to make sure that people stay on your site a little longer?

1. Images – Images are an excellent way to wrap your message in a visual story. People love images, because visual information is simpler to remember and process. If you can wrap important information into the images you showcase, do it.

Source: Dove

Dove uses many photos of happy, self-confident women. Through these images, the company communicates their value propositions: a natural, healthy feeling, and soft, radiant skin. Even without reading any text, Dove tells a story about the brand through their images.

2. Tell your company’s story – How did the company come to be? What issues did the founders encounter? Tap into a sense of entrepreneurship and excitement with real, personal stories that make the core team the stars of the brand.

Source: Warby Parker

Traditionally, brands showcase their personal stories in the “About” section, very much like the eyewear brand Warby Parker.

3. Illustrations – Abstract or realistic illustrations can give all the visual advantages of images. Through illustrations, you can combine various aspects of a message or create sequential steps and relationships between different aesthetic elements.  

Source: Evernote

Evernote uses illustrations to show how their product works. The arrangement of the illustrations leave no doubt that the user is supposed to read the text from left to right. The textual explanations go well with the illustrations and gives us a good idea what the product does: it helps you remember everything, organize your content, and work better as a team.

4. Tap into your community – Today, it’s easier to communicate with your customer base and learn about their stories, thanks to social media. How does your consumer use and benefit from your product or service? How did your company help enhance their lives? There are a lot of wonderful brands that were built entirely on what their customers have to say about the company.

Source: Airbnb

One great example is Airbnb. This company links travelers and homeowners needing a space. They tapped into their customers’ experiences of sharing a home into a compelling content campaign.

More often than not, all you need is a great narrative technique. People love a good tale. Have you incorporated storytelling into your website design? If you need help with custom web designs that are tailored to your users and delivers results, get in touch with your Fort Worth web design experts at D6 Interactive.