Best Practices For Responsive Web Design


Mobile web traffic has been on the rise for years and recently, mobile users became the largest percentage of online traffic. Creating a positive mobile experience for audiences has become paramount and the solution is responsive web design. Rather than creating multiple versions of one site, responsive design is a set of techniques allowing web pages to respond to users' behavior and environment.

Here are the best practices of responsive web design that are essential to creating websites with good user experience for all users.


The cornerstone of responsive web design is flexibility. Everything on a web page must be flexible - from layouts to images to navigation so that a page can move between mobile, tablet and desktop. This is accomplished by establishing a breakpoint — the point at which a page changes from one size to another, and creating fluid grids that can transform at the breakpoint.

Mobile first

The mobile-first approach to web design is starting from the smallest screen and building up to the largest. Mobile first allows creators to prioritize site content by highlighting the essentials for a smaller screen and then adding secondary elements for larger screens, also known as a visual hierarchy. Another benefit of mobile first is being able to design within the most limitations first and then scaling up organically.

Responsive navigation

Often one of the most challenging aspects of a responsive website, clear navigation across platforms is essential to usability. Rather than creating one consistent navigation experience, creating user-friendly navigation at every size, even if it’s different on mobile and desktop, is preferable. For example, a fly-out menu on desktop may not work well for mobile and a small icon for navigation may be easily missed on desktop.

Test on actual devices

Planning, wireframing, and designing are all important steps in the process of responsive web design, followed by real-world testing on multiple devices. Being able to interact with the design on the devices it will be viewed on provides invaluable insights. Additionally, when time and money allows, user testing on multiple devices can confirm design choices and highlight areas for improvement that could be otherwise missed.

If you’re looking for a Dallas web design company to enhance your website’s scalability and responsiveness, D6 Interactive is the team for the job. D6 Interactive is a digital marketing firm specializing in innovative design, great websites, and client satisfaction. Contact us today.