3 More Tips for SEO Improvement

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be a powerful, but confusing component of online marketing for your company and its website. SEO improvement can be even more confusing.

Search Engine Land defines SEO as "the process of getting traffic from the "free," "organic," "editorial" or "natural" listings on search engines." Though that may not clear things up for you, D6 has 3 More Tips for SEO Improvement to go along with our earlier post, 4 Easy Ways to Improve Your SEO.

Create a Google Plus Page

Though not as popular as Facebook or Twitter, Google Plus is a growing and engaging social network that can have a great impact on your website's position in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Your business's Google Plus page gives you an excellent, Google-centric canvas on which to post valuable links and popular keywords and search terms - bolstering your inbound links with valuable "link juice" coming directly from Google!

Set Up Google Authorship

Google Authorship links your personal Google Plus directly to any online content you've written online. With your company's blog, Google Authorship can be a tremendously helpful tool to bolster your site's SEO.

The program, detailed here, can have a great impact on your "Author Rank" - a method Google uses to ensure that it's serving up only the relevant search results and links from relevant experts to its users.

Link to Other Sites

While backlinks, along with content, reign supreme when it comes to SEO, linking to otherwebsite can help you build that valuable link network.

Linking to similar, related sites can help your site attract new targeted users and reinforce your position as an authority in your industry.

In addition to browsing the rest of the D6 Blog, I'd urge you to check out a few of the related posts/articles below:

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