3 Quick and Easy Ways to Double Your Social Media Following


How can you effectively increase your social media following?

1. Post only high-quality, relevant content

Let’s face it. Many people these days post content on social media platforms just for the sake of it. While this may help with online presence and visibility, it’s not likely to help you be productive and effective on social media, hence you’re not likely to increase your social media following.

What you need to do is to come up with high-quality content – meaning, content that is original, practical, and shareable. Create content that can resonate emotionally with your audience. Make them think, or perhaps even question a certain way of being or doing things.

Content that is socially relevant is also important. Ride on what’s in, and what’s currently a hit.

2. Add social sharing buttons

For every content you post, make sure that there are social sharing buttons. Think of it as your call-to-action. The presence of social sharing buttons encourages and enables your audience to make a desired action — in this case, sharing your content.

Social sharing buttons make your content complete and effective, as you allow others to immediately share your content, and thus increase your social media following.

In line with providing social sharing buttons, you also need to consider the timing of your posting, and make sure that it is conducive for sharing. A good way to do this would be to create a sharing schedule. Consider the following questions as you develop your sharing schedule: How often can I share this on each network? Is there a particular time of day wherein more people are online in this specific platform?

3. Engage in conversations

The whole point of engaging in conversations is to make it seem that you are human. After all, it’s hard to get that sense these days, with all of us just interacting with keyboards and screens.

There’s a different level of connection when you try to engage with your customers and audience, sending off the message that you actually exist, and that they matter to you.

To engage in conversations, you can join in on existing threads, answer questions on blog comments, and resolve queries and issues on mentions or tags. Doing so will not only create an emotional connection with your audience, but will also increase the visibility of your brand, and in the process, increase your social media following.

If you are in need of social media marketing services, get in touch with D6 Interactive, a social media expert based in Dallas. They are a team of professionals who can address every social media concern that you have, and provide you with every social media marketing service that you need. D6 Interctive also offers Dallas SEO.

This article is produced by Fort Worth Web Design.